Live webinar
Mastering Grounded Theory Methodology with ATLAS.ti

About the webinar
Grounded theory methodology is a systematic approach to developing theories from qualitative data. ATLAS.ti provides a comprehensive set of tools specifically tailored for this methodology. This webinar aims to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to conduct high-quality grounded theory research using ATLAS.ti.
You will learn:
How to initiate a grounded theory project and set up your workspace in ATLAS.ti Desktop and Web
Strategies for open, axial, and selective coding to develop your theory within ATLAS.ti
How to use Memos and Networks for reflective practice and connecting ideas
Ways to visualise your data and theory evolution using Networks
Duration: 60 minutes
Language of instruction: English
Mastering Grounded Theory Methodology with ATLAS.ti
Today, Friday, December 13, 2024
7.30pm to 8.30pm IST