Live Stata webinar
Creating graphs with Stata
About the Webinar
Are you interested in creating a graph to understand how a variable is distributed? Do you want to visualize the relationship between variables? Do you want to create a graph to check whether the assumptions you are making about a model are valid?
Stata has tools for creating these different types of graphs. With Stata, you can create univariate and bivariate graphs, graphs of summary statistics, diagnostic graphs based on the results of your model, and much more.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate how to create graphs for continuous and categorical variables, diagnostic graphs, and graphs that help you understand the results of your model. You will also learn different ways to customize a graph, how to layer and combine graphs, and how to change the overall look.
Join us for this one-hour webinar, and learn how you can make your interactions with Stata more efficient and more effective.
How to Join
The webinar is free, but you must register to attend. Registrations are limited so register soon, by end of today, Apr 8
You will receive an email prior to the start with instructions on how to access the webinar.
Webinar: Creating graphs with Stata
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
9.30pm to 10.30pm IST
Dr. Hua Peng is the Executive Director, Software Engineering and Data Science at StataCorp LLC. He has been with Stata for almost 20 years and is the primary architect and developer of Stata/MP. He has a PhD in mathematics from Brandeis University.
Reference sources prior to event:

Note: Registration are closed now. The registration page will continue to be available for you to register your interest for subsequent Stata webinars.