Live webinar (For advanced users)
Visual Tools: A comprehensive overview

MAXQDA is the best choice for comprehensive qualitative data analysis of diverse data sets. It works with a wide range of data types and offers powerful tools for advanced coding, retrieval, transcription and visualization, while still being easy to learn and use.
About this event
In this webinar, an overview of the key visual tools in MAXQDA will be provided. This will include tools for the analysis of individual documents (such as Document Portrait and Code Line), as well as tools for case comparison (e.g., Code Matrix Browser and Document Comparison Diagram). Furthermore, the session will cover the possibilities, limitations, and prerequisites for the targeted use of visual tools in analysis.
Join us to learn about advanced functionalities of MAXQDA and enjoy the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the software!
Visual Tools: A Comprehensive Overview (Advanced)
Today, Friday, October 18, 2024
7.30pm to 8.30pm IST
Certified MAXQDA Trainer: Andreas Müller
I am active as a MAXQDA trainer for five years and have worked for clients from various fields and businesses. I am formally trained as a historian, yet I have worked since for customers in healthcare, business, market research and various disciplines. My technical knowledge of MAXQDA encompasses all functionalities of the software including MAXDictio, MAXStats and MAXQDA Team Cloud. My formal methodological training is based on Philipp Mayring’s “Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse” yet I have since broadened my expertise to include other methods such as Grounded Theory, Objective Hermeneutics and Mixed Methods research. My consultation services include support along the entire research chain from the initial research question, over gathering data via interviews, focus groups or observations, to coding and analyzing data as well as mentoring during the final writing process.