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Live webinar
Mastering Grounded Theory Methodology with ATLAS.ti
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About the webinar

Grounded theory methodology is a systematic approach to developing theories from qualitative data. ATLAS.ti provides a comprehensive set of tools specifically tailored for this methodology. This webinar aims to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to conduct high-quality grounded theory research using ATLAS.ti.


You will learn:

  • How to initiate a grounded theory project and set up your workspace in ATLAS.ti Desktop and Web

  • Strategies for open, axial, and selective coding to develop your theory within ATLAS.ti

  • How to use Memos and Networks for reflective practice and connecting ideas

  • Ways to visualise your data and theory evolution using Networks


Duration: 60 minutes
Language of instruction: English



Mastering Grounded Theory Methodology with ATLAS.ti

Today, Friday, November 8, 2024
7.30pm to 8.30pm IST


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